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Make Your Own Non-Toxic Window Cleaner with Just Two Ingredients

March 26, 2017

homemade window cleaner

Skip the chemicals of traditional cleaners and learn how to make your own natural and budget-friendly window cleaner with just a few pantry ingredients.

CLEAN + ORGANIZE   |   Updated March 14, 2024

Not only is making your own cleaning products better for your home and the environment, but it is an worthwhile economical endeavor as well.

Have you ever stopped to think just how much you spend each year to keep your house clean? Making DIY cleaners from common pantry goods like vinegar, baking soda, and castile soap gets you a lot more product for your money.

Homemade cleaners are also your best option to avoid the toxic chemicals and fragrance found in most commercial cleaning solutions.

For the most part, they are easy to make, take only a few ingredients and work just as well as their mass-produced alternatives.

With just two ingredients, glass cleaner is the best DIY cleaning product to attempt making first. Read on to find out what supplies you'll need, how long it is good for, and tips for window cleaning success.

glass bottle of window cleaner

Why Make Your Own Cleaners

There are numerous reasons to consider mixing your own cleaning products rather than purchasing bottles at the store.

  • Environmentally Friendly - DIY cleaning solutions are made using natural ingredients that are better for the environment and there is less plastic packaging waste.

  • Economical - Pantry supplies like vinegar and baking soda are affordable and easy to find at grocery and dollar stores.

  • Nontoxic - Toxic chemicals and fragrances are added to commercial cleaners for both preservation and customer appeal, but rarely for effectiveness of product.

  • Customizable - You are in control of the ingredients and cleaning power. A variety of scents can be made using essential oils and formulas can be adjusted to suit your preferences and cleaning needs.

Being able to use a few household products to make numerous types of cleaners is just one way to make the chore of homekeeping easier.

bottles of white vinegar and distilled water

Supplies You'll Need for DIY Glass Cleaner

  • Distilled White Vinegar - The acidic acid in vingegar cuts through dirt, grease, and mineral deposits to clean and disinfect hard surfaces.

  • Distilled Water - Using distilled water prolongs the shelf-life of your cleaning product. It is preferred especially if you have hard water which leaves behind residue and minerals while limiting the effectiveness of your cleaner.

  • Essential Oils - (optional) Adds a boost of cleaning power and naturally covers the smell of the vinegar. Lemon or tea tree oil are popular choices.

  • Spray Bottle - I prefer using a glass spray bottle, especially with essential oils because they can degrade some plastic bottles and cause leaks.

How to Make Non-Toxic Glass and Window Cleaner

To make this homemade window cleaner recipe, combine one cup each distilled white vinegar and distilled water inside of a spray bottle and shake well to combine. You may want to use a funnel to easily get the liquids inside. Then add 10 to 15 drops of essential oil if you'd like and shake again.** Date and label the bottle so you know the ingredients are fresh. Store the bottle in a dry, temperature controled area safely away from children and pets.

When washing the doors and windows of your house as part of your spring cleaning ritual, the solution is the same as for everyday use - one part vinegar to one part distilled water poured into a bucket.

This cleaner works well on windows, patio doors, glass table tops, and glass objects around the house. The vinegar does make it damaging to natural stone like marble and granite, so take extra care when using around these surfaces.

**If you've added essential oils to your window cleaning solution, be sure to shake the bottle well each time to mix with the water.

READ NEXT: The best way to make your windows sparkle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions readers have asked about making homemade window cleaner. If you don’t see your question answered here, feel free to send me an email and I’ll be happy to help.

How long does homemade window cleaning solution last?

Cleaning products you make yourself don't contain preservatives or chemicals to prohibit bacteria growth so they have a limited shelf life.

In the case of glass cleaner, distilled water is safe to use for cleaning for at least a year after it is opened and vinegar acts as a natural preservative extending its viability even longer.

It is wise to make small batches of any cleaner so that it can be used before going bad. And start with clean, sterlizied containers if possible so bacteria isn't introduced right from the start.

Is there a way to make DIY glass cleaner smell better?

While a very effective cleaner, vinegar has a strong smell. The odor fades quickly, but feel free to add 10 to 15 drops of essential oil to the solution if you'd like. Citrus flavors like orange or lemon and tea tree oil are popular choices that also aid in the cleaning process.

Another solution is to make your own homemade scent infused vinegar. Compost and Cava has a great post with 5 different recipes you might find appealing.

Can this cleaner be used on mirrors?

This diy window cleaner works well to clean mirrors in addition to glass surfaces. I suggest spritzing the solution on a microfiber cloth and not directly on the mirror however, as it may damage the frame.

Can you substitute castile soap for dish soap?

Castile soap will curdle when combined with acidic vinegar and the combination will leave a sticky residue on your surface.

Is there anything to add for extra scrubbing power?

If your windows are especially dirty or there are stubborn stains or residue, you may need something more abrasive than just a vinegar-water solution. In that case, add 2 Tablespoons of cornstarch to the 1 cup of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of water. Shake well to combine and be sure to shake each time you use the liquid to reincorporate the cornstarch. Be sure to wipe the surface until it looks crystal clear or there will be a residue left on the glass.

Making your own glass cleaner using pantry ingredients is a small step to take towards enjoying a simpler, more natural home.

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