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How to Fold Shirts Like Your Favorite Clothing Store

February 1, 2017

CLEAN + ORGANIZE   |   Published February 1, 2017

Do you ever wish your folded clothes looked as neat as your favorite shops?  Check out this post with tips for easily folding your shirts every time.  |

Have you ever wandered through your favorite clothing store and wondered how they get those neat little stacks of perfectly folded shirts?  Although none of us live in a house with our own boutique shop for displaying what we wear, there is no reason why the storage of our clothes can't look just as tidy.

Whether your shirts are stored on a shelf in your closet or tucked away in a drawer, the folding technique is the same.  It doesn't take much time to do it correctly, and it is a pretty fool-proof process.  Knowing the proper way to fold your clothing will not only make your closet look neater, but will also help to keep your clothes wrinkle free and ready to wear.

Do you ever wish your folded clothes looked as neat as your favorite shops?  Check out this post with tips for easily folding your shirts every time. #organizing #homekeeping #howtofold #andersonandgrant

Today we'll focus on the task of folding your shirts.  But, keep an eye out for future posts where we look at folding pants, pajamas, and more.

Working on a flat surface, lay your shirt face down with its arms out to the sides.  Smooth any wrinkles or creases in the fabric.


Shirts that cannot button closed are sometimes 
difficult to fold.  Folding them face up allows you 
to lay the shirts out neatly without any wrinkles before 
folding them in the same manner.


The secret behind how stores get shirts quickly folded in the exact same size is that they use plastic folding boards as they make their folds.  You can buy different versions of these online or you could simply use a cutting board, cardboard, or even a magazine that is lying around.  You just need something sturdy that is an appropriate width to guide your folds.

Whatever you choose to use, lay it in the center of the shirt that you are folding.

Fold one sleeve straight across the back of the shirt.  If you are doing this without a folding board, this fold should be about halfway between the neck and where the sleeve is adjoined to the body of the shirt.

Do you ever wish your folded clothes looked as neat as your favorite shops?  Check out this post with tips for easily folding your shirts every time.  |

Fold that same sleeve back over itself and down at an angle.

Repeat the process on the other side of the shirt.

Then, carefully remove the folding board from inside.

Fold the bottom half of the shirt up to meet the top.  If you are storing your shirts in a drawer, fold the shirt in half again and store them vertically like files rather than stacked on top of one another.  I've been doing this for close to 20 years and it makes finding your clothing in a drawer so much easier.

The process for folding any type of shirt is about the same, whether it is a t-shirt, button down, sweater, or even tank top.  It is a task that anyone should know how to do so that their clothes can be properly cared for.  This simple process allows you to add a special "boutique" touch to your clothing storage without costing yourself a cent.


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